Personal Mantra: “Say No” on Behalf of the Bigger “Yes!”

When it comes to health and weight loss, what is the bigger ‘yes’? Follow me in this blog to uncover the myth of what you’re saying ‘no’ to. Here we will take a look at how to intentionally fine-tune our little choices in service of the larger ones.

Weight Loss + the Price of a Candy Grab

Every day we’re presented with options and choices. Should I grab chips or the apple as a snack? Should I let this driver merge in front of me on the highway? Should I have a glass of wine? 

It’s easy to be lured by the instant gratification of the present moment without considering the positive or negative effects of our actions. For example, it's even more comforting to carelessly eat when you’re having a bad day. 

If someone cuts you off going 60 mph down the highway, maybe your instinct is to honk and give them the bird.  Saying ‘no’ on behalf of a bigger ‘yes’ in this instance could be to say ‘no’ to flipping the f* out. The bigger ‘yes’ is the choice to practice patience and stay content. Your inner and outer Woosah (wü-sah); this choice will reverberate through your day, leaving you peaceful instead of still worried about the driver that got to you.

You don’t know what’s going on in that other driver’s life. Maybe you’re in their blind spot or maybe she’s not the best driver. If you say no to that instant reaction, you’ll feel better about yourself. 

What a “No” Can Get You

To reach your weight loss and physical goals, you might say ‘no’ to junk food in order to be proud of yourself, which could be a step to conquer your goal, so the bigger ‘yes’ is coming. 

Another example is TV watching. It’s so much easier to lie there and watch TV than read a self-help book or practice something transformative. By saying ‘no’ to the TV, you’re saying yes to growth, personal fulfillment, and your long-term goals at becoming  “A Better Me”. 

When to Say “Yes” and When to Say “No”

How do you choose? I recommend that every time you’re confronted with options you ask yourself, “Will this get me closer to my goal?” It should be a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to that question. 

For instance, let’s say you’re on a very strict healthy living routine and want to go to the gym one particular night. Beyoncé is your favorite singer and a friend happens to have tickets for her show that same night.

I might say, ‘The gym can wait! I’m going to Beyoncé because my bigger ‘yes’ is “Wow, this is the chance of a lifetime.”’ Missing one workout isn’t going to be such a big deal and doesn’t mean I won’t reach my goals!

In this scenario, an even larger goal might be that you want to win at your health goals so you’re able to have fun and enjoy your life. If the option to attend a Beyoncé concert is going to help you enjoy life and have fun, then that’s definitely part of the bigger ‘yes.’

The Field of Possibilities

My personal goal is to cram as much fun, goodness, productivity, and love into life as possible while living a healthy lifestyle. When we say ‘no’ to fear, mindless eating, bad relationships, or flat out laziness, we score the bigger ‘yes’: endless possibilities that surround and embrace us.


At times, it’s inevitable: you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Unfortunately, it may set the course of your day astray.

While there are plenty of reasons to wake up in the morning, sometimes we need a little extra reminder.

That’s where the morning mantra comes in. Mantras and affirmations are terrific tools to reroute your thoughts — getting your mind back on the right (and optimistic) track. Instead of having our first thought of the day be about our to-do list, or of reaching for our phones from underneath the covers, we spend a quiet moment on a positive or motivational thought, we may be empowered to conquer and control our day-to-day routine.

So, here’s a task for you. For the next few days, find some words, mantras, prompts, or affirmations that resonate with you. Post them on your social media and tag us @fit4abetterme to share your unique positivity with our #Fit4Squad and a chance to be featured on the Virtually Better Fitness community page. Make these important words your first priority of the morning. Then, notice if the pace of your day has changed.