How to Start Your Fitness Journey in 3 Easy Steps

If you’ve just decided to embark on your fitness journey, good for you! You’ve already got the hardest part out of the way: choosing to work out in the first place. However, whether you’re new to working out or just getting back into it, making new fitness goals can undoubtedly be overwhelming. 

Feeling this way is natural, but with the help of these three expert-approved steps, you’ll be on your way to reaching your fitness goals in no time! 

Step 1: Know thyself. 

Simply put, what works for you won’t work for everyone else and vice versa. Before you jump right into working out, first figure out what type of exercise and workout schedule works best for you. Are you a morning workout person? Or do you prefer the evenings? Ask yourself these questions to determine how you can make fitness work for you. 

Step 2: Start where you are and commit to what you can handle. 

Your fitness journey is a journey of a lifetime, so don’t feel pressure to make goals that push you to your limits. Replace the mindset that says you need to lose x amount of weight in time with a healthy attitude that recognizes being fit is a lifestyle, not a one-and-done thing. 

Pro Tip: Avoid burnout and increase your motivation to work out by habit stacking. This strategy allows you to integrate small changes into your lifestyle by coupling them with your everyday habits. For example, if you watch the news every morning, try watching at your usual time while walking on the treadmill instead.  Don’t have a treadmill, go for walk while listen from your phone.

Step 3:  Document and observe your journey. 

Fitness is all about finding out what works for you, so keeping records of your workouts can help you analyze what’s working and what’s not. A good rule of thumb is to try a workout routine for 4-6 weeks and then switch it up or make adjustments as you see fit. Use a consistency calendar to help you stay on track! 


These three steps will set you up for a successful fitness journey. However, if you need help embracing your journey or brainstorming each step, schedule a 30-minute Let’s Start Strategy Call with me today!