5 Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat

We’ve spent almost two years indoors due to the pandemic, and I think it’s safe to say the majority of us have put on a bit of unwanted quarantine weight. Have you been searching for ways to lose belly fat? You’ve come to the right place. 

Before you stress out about getting in shape for the summer, keep reading. I’m going to break down everything you need to know about how to lose belly fat naturally. 

What is belly fat? 

There are two types of belly fat, subcutaneous and visceral fat. The first is a soft layer of fat that sits under the skin and is ready to be burned for energy. The latter, visceral fat, is what we know to be unwanted, stubborn belly fat, and it’s stored in the adnominal cavity and found around essential organs. 

Stubborn belly fat puts you at risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Visceral fat is metabolically active, and it acts almost like an organ by pumping out inflammatory substances and interfering with hormones that regulate appetite, weight, mood, and stress. As you can see, this stubborn fat can get your body out of sorts, so it’s essential to get rid of belly fat. 

How do I lose stomach fat?

1. Maintain a calorie deficit diet. Try reducing your sugar intake and keep track of your calories by using an app like MyFitnessPal. 

2. Exercise. Cardio alone won’t help you lose stomach fat. Incorporate weight-lifting into your routine before your cardio. 

3. Increase exercise intensity. Switch up your routine every 4-6 weeks or progressively increase the intensity. 

4. Reduce stress and increase sleep. Hormones play a massive role in unwanted belly fat. Find ways to help decrease your stress and prioritize getting a good night’s rest. 

5. Remain consistent. Like all things, consistency is key. Don’t give up, and remember it takes time to get rid of belly fat. 

If you’re ready to lose unwanted belly fat but still aren’t sure exactly how to get started, reach out to me today to schedule a 30-minute coaching session. I’ll help you get on track today!