The Real Reason Why It’s Okay To Indulge Your Sweets?

Do you catch yourself feeling guilty when you reach for a slice of pizza at a party or indulge your sweets? 

I know I have, and as a fitness professional, the people around you make you feel guilty with slick comments like: “Oh, I thought you couldn’t eat that since you are so FIT 4.” 

I’m here to tell you, don’t be. You aren’t doing yourself any favors by cutting yourself entirely off from foods that are less than healthy. Studies show that people who enjoy treats in moderation are more likely to keep the weight off than their restricted counterparts—not the other way around. 

This isn’t about indulging in the right or wrong foods. Restrictive eating is not healthy eating, and let’s be real, deciding to pursue a healthier lifestyle is a hard enough choice on its own. It’s time to normalize eating food that you genuinely enjoy and not feeling guilty about it. Do you want to eat food that you love guilt-free? You can, and here’s how I do it: 

Get rid of the concept of “cheat meals.” 

The word “cheat” instantly makes you feel sort of bad, right? That’s because the term carries a negative connotation, and we naturally associate the word with feelings of guilt. Using the word “cheat” to describe your food or meals could impair your ability to maintain self-control even within the cheat meal or rewards-based framework. 

If you’re eating your cheat meal as a reward, but then it makes you feel bad about yourself or feel guilty, it starts to feel a lot less like a good thing. Negative feelings can affect your attitude towards food which significantly impacts your ability to resist temptation and regulate eating behaviors. A healthy lifestyle starts with a positive mindset, and sustained weight loss is about more than just eating fewer calories. Be careful of the labels that you put on your food because they could do more damage than good to your progress.

Plan your treat meals. 

That’s right, plan your treat meal (what I call it) or planned indulgence, or whatever you want to call it in advance!  The key to indulging your cravings the right way is intentionality. Plan your treat ahead of time so that you’ll have clarity and control when you choose to indulge. 

 There isn’t a specific guideline for when you should have your treat or how frequently you should treat yourself. For instance, if I know I have a party this weekend, I save my treat meal to eat at the party guilt-free. And if someone has something to say, I school them on my 80/20 rule.

The 80/20 rule refers to a lifestyle that consists of 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. You can apply the same rule to your eating habits: 80% of the food you eat should be nutritious, and the other 20% can be food enjoyed in moderation. Now, who says healthy eating has to be all bad? 


There’s no point in restricting yourself from eating foods that you love. To prove it to you, research shows that many times dieters eat more calories worth of other “healthier” foods trying not to eat what they really wanted in the first place. So, the next time you’re contemplating whether or not to eat that chocolate bar, just eat the damn chocolate and enjoy every bite while you’re at it!